Saturday, January 10, 2015

changing culture

hi all,

Its been a good while since we posted anything on here.

I recently posted a book review of the first third of James Davison Hunter's excellent book, "To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World" on my Faith and Reason blog.

You can read the book review and join the conversation here:

I also am posting some of my dark reflections on God, grief, nothingness and life from the dead on a blog dedicated to the memory of my late wife, Debbie, as I slog through my grief (a seemingly unending process) and read through her journals.

The Unforced Rhythms of Grace

And lastly, I am bloggings about the growing phenomenon of the "nones" and the "dones," the expanding number of Christians who no longer attend churches (of which I am one) at

Unchurched in South Florida

The "nones" are the people on the census who chose to describe themselves as "none" or no religious affiliation.

The "dones" are people who are just done with church. They are tired of someone talking at them, teaching them and telling them what to do.

I hope you will drop by and leave a comment.

Joseph Holbrook