Thursday, April 30, 2009

$10,000 Challenge!

Great news (even if not exactly true)--an Anonymous Donor has pledged ten grand to the skunklings. The money must be invested in ways that create a reasonably "durable" (i.e., not a single or one-time "event") expression of God's kingdom among secular 20- and 30-year-olds in the US. This spiritual venture capitalist/sugar mommy has also pledged an additional $100K if we invest the ten grand in a way that impresses her. Proposals, please!


  1. IMHO the best way to invest this money is not going to be a generic idea that could be implemented anywhere. It will be unique opportunities amidst the lives of these young adults in a way that will strengthen already established relationships and/or open doors for new ones.

    For example, in our community right now, it would behoove us if Chris and Kelli Mora had a house. Their house would centralize a group of loosely connected younger adults (most are pot heads) that are looking for purpose. Having a location for fellowship among these guys fosters a sense of belonging that will gain momentum and soon develop into community.

  2. good suggestion Patrick.

    I don't have any proposals for the moment -- going to think about it. Money is dangerous ... it can be a blessing, but it can also create problems if not handled and invested wisely. I am very grateful for this opportunity, and I pray that it will be a 'seed' that will grow and bear fruit.

  3. oops ... I missed the "even if not exactly true" part the first time around. lol.

  4. Money isn't everything, and it isn't the most important thing... but it can be a way to get us to focus, or at least focus in a particular way (not necessarily the only or best way to focus, just A way).

  5. I had what seeme like a really good idea last week, but didn't have time to post it. Now I can't remember it. It's probably the lost $10,000 idea! :))

  6. One approach we can have is to set up a Mentorship/Life Coaching website that would cater to 20-30yrs old to coach them on life management. That in itself is a broad topic but we would focus on trendy and most popular topics or lessons that appeal to them and life in general. The mission would be revealing kingdom principles through everyday life. I could elaborate on this idea further if you want.

    Another approach we can have is using the strong appeal of the arts in entertainment. I feel very strongly that this medium can be utilized to reach and inspire this group (20-30yrs) or demographic if you would. Just look at most TV, Movies, and Music. The majority of companies’ advertising is geared towards them. My personal area of interest is movies and TV. My approach is similar to one above but using movies to reveal kingdom principles through entertaining stories. I have a list of projects I would be most happy to elaborate on if you have the interest.

  7. How about if it funds the next CovThinklings event! More folks would be able to come!

  8. Great ideas, Carlos and Patrick... keep 'em coming.

  9. my friend Dick Scoggins believes that the only thing that can save our society from complete apostosy is what he calls an "apostolic explosion" or a rapid and huge increase of young apostles.

    It raises the question, where do apostles come from? How do they become apostles? (I'm using "apostle" here in the sense of missionary-evangelist/church planter).

    His own son is in L.A. writing film scripts and producing movies ... his daughter is trying to break into acting and his wife is moving into the professional singer role.

    How could $10,000 be used to indentify, recruit, train and equip and mobize some 20-something, single apostles?

  10. Well, first things first, I believe that it has been said, but I think it's worth mentioning again, who are we targeting? I can't think of a way to use 10000 dollars to help everyone between 20 and 30 move towards a relationship with christ, but I can probably think of several ways to use it to move my friend david, or danny, or jessy, towards christ.

    I guess more to the point I'm saying that I also see us having a hard time reaching out to a bunch of people we don't know, this approach has always seemed ineffective to me because usually it's a one time thing and you don't have a chance develop relationships with the people you reach out to.

    Personally I'd set the 10000 up in a bank account and make it a shared checking account that could be used to buy drinks or a meal for a friend in order to allow for "time wasting"

  11. Can I get on the account? I have some guys in Vail, CO I would like to buy a round of drinks...Oh, I would need a round-trip plane ticket also. I really do have some guys there -- my Son's friends who I connected with when I visited out there and now consider my freinds.

  12. I have become pretty apolitical in the last few years. I post this link, not to stir a discussion of politics, but to consider what demographic insights and ideas (or cautions) this might reveal about our desire to incarnate kingdom truth for young adults.

    The Republican Party ignores young 'millennials' at its peril

  13. "By 2020, when virtually all millennials will be over 18, they will represent 36% of the electorate and will completely dominate elections and the political agenda of America."

    Want to disciple a nation? Reach millenials.

  14. "Failure to do so [reach millennials] will leave Republicans, to paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, locked in the dogmas of their quiet past, unable to think and therefore act anew."

    Just substitue the word "Church" for the word "Republican" above, and you have it...

  15. exactly, thats why I posted the link. Too many parallels.

  16. its been a week since a post...I like the think in this one. 2020...add 11 years to your's and it will pose the question of what you will be doing with what you have. Most of us are thinking about the convergence of life encounters and the present activity of the Holy Spirit to consider legacy...finishing well and passing on something that matters. That's what I'am hearing...

  17. I agree with Joseph's comments about reaching those we know, and I am convinced we ust always be pressing deeply in prayer and service to those in our immediate community.

    This is a completely different kind of an opportunity, however, and one that I think deserves some big picture thinking. The work we do here, though non-communal and non-personal, may in fact serve our covenant-type goals by creating a compelling and moving dialogue.

    With $10,000 can we create a compelling video or a short film that can be viewed on a PDA or on YouTube? The film may inovolve a difficult message or a difficult question that will cause a young person to ask questions of eternal consequence. Perhaps the larger project could involve the creation of a series of films.
    -John Norton

  18. Great idea John! I'll throw my vote in with you.
